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Its time to do the inner work, so the outer work can take care of itself.

Private coaching sessions can be tailored to meet the exact support you need. Whether it's a single session to work through a tricky issue or focus on enhancing your coaching skills, or a series of sessions with plenty of space to work through bigger issues, I can craft a coaching experience that will work for you.

Even with all the awareness and knowledge we still find ourselves in unhelpful habits or using outdated coping mechanisms such as:

  • Procrastination

  • Perfectionism

  • Self doubt

  • Imposter syndrome

  • Overwhelm

  • Lack of motivation

And trying to deal with these alone can be exhausting. 

Life coach freedom connect
"Thanks for being such a good listener and keeping me on track - you were straightforward and compassionate all at the same time" 
Debby head shot.jpg

As a leading Therapeutic Coach with years of experience in holistic coaching, counselling and mentoring, I weave together the different modalities to guide you through a holistic and transformative process. 

Private coaching can provide the space and support you need to unpack the behaviours that are tripping you up or holding you back. Develop clarity around your unique skills and abilities and build confidence in your own coaching approach.


Would you like some help to identify the issues and assess what solutions might work for you? You choose how many sessions you want - each session is held on Zoom for 1 hour at a cost of $180AUD (click here to convert to your currency). Send a message to me right now to gain clarity, create a pathway and feel supported in your journey.


Thanks for sending this through and I will be in touch soon

Debby Dworkin copyright 2024. Life Coaches Connect through Facebook Email Messenger 

I live and work on Muru-ora-dial land of the Eora nations.  I acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land, their stories, history, and continued connection to country. I acknowledge sovereignty was never ceded. This land always was and always will be Aboriginal Land.

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